Thursday, March 22, 2012

Film School Online | "'Film School Secrets' Explodes Myths of Filmmaker Education"

By : Film School Secrets
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Category : Film School Online

LOS ANGELES, MARCH 21, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ -- "Film School Secrets," the film school alternative, has announced its initiative to help aspiring filmmakers begin their movie careers faster, smarter, and for less money than traditional filmmaking programs.

The website features an 8-part interactive online course detailing street-smart information you won't get in a classroom.

"We provide aspiring filmmakers with a practical and powerful plan of action they can put to use immediately," says Seth Hymes, founder of the site. "We show students how to get on pro film sets, network, and begin producing their own movies no matter where they live in the world. The only pre-requisites are imagination, passion, and dedication."

"I thought the only way into the film business was through a fancy school in Austin, New York, or LA," says Justin Montgomery, 19, of Kingwood, Texas. "But because of 'Film School Secrets' I am actually working in the film business right now."

Justin is now a paid intern at Victory Digital, an award-winning commercial production house in Humble, TX. Justin followed the coaching in Mod 2 of "Film School Secrets" and got in touch with the head of the Victory Digital, Vic DiGiovanni.

"This industry is all about initiative," says DiGiovanni. That initiative paid off for Justin. After a brief conversation, DiGiovanni offered him a position many film school students would envy, without paying any tuition. In fact, he is getting paid to learn.

"He has me working on car commercials, editing, and getting paid for it. I couldn't ask for more," says Montgomery.

Beyond networking, the course focuses on using the low cost of high-quality digital video equipment, social media, and the Internet to produce, direct, market, and distribute movies. With more and more people consuming entertainment online, "Film School Secrets" is ahead of the curve, teaching practical skills that matter to new filmmakers.

"Film schools are still teaching students to make short films, go to a film festival, and hope to get a big break," says Hymes. "That's like trying to win 'American Idol.' They don't talk about how to realistically make a feature film, deal with money or investors, or how to get people to see it. This course is all about making things happen yourself."

The cost of higher education is also part of the site's message.

"Many students are graduating with debt up to $100,000," says Hymes. "Nobody in the film industry cares that you went to film school. They care about your attitude, your work, and what you bring to a project. This isn't the 1960s when Scorsese went to film school and learning how to shoot a movie was some obscure piece of knowledge. There are kids on YouTube making movies that put the black-and-white film school projects to shame, and attracting industry attention."

Film School Secrets has hundreds of students in over 15 countries and across the US since its launch in mid-2011.

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