Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Film School Online | "FREE FILM SCHOOL #31: I'd Like to Thank the Academy"

By: Witney Seibold
Source: http://www.craveonline.com
Category: Film School Online

It’s mid-January, which means we’re smack in the middle of Oscar season. For the next few weeks, lasting until the Academy Award ceremony on February 26th, we film nuts will have to choose whether we will be mildly amused, blindingly annoyed, or willing to whimsically play along with the chunky tidal wave of Oscar glut pouring our way like so much fetid spaghetti sauce. It’s not until the ceremony is over, and the shock begins to wear off, that we’ll be able to look at movies clearly again. We’ll be able to take a deep breath, sober up, and judge whether or not the film awarded Best Picture the night before was really worthy of such an honor, or if we’ll have a crippling case of buyer’s remorse (Really? Crash? What were we thinking?). Your eyes will be sore from ogling your favorite actors and actresses in their finest (?) evening ware, and your brain will be sorely echoing with the phrase “I would like to thank the Academy.”

As a kid, I never knew what that last phrase meant. For a while, I suspected each actor went to an acting academy of some sort, and their acting school – in showbiz jargon – was always called “the academy.” It wasn’t until I was a teenager who actually bothered to pick up the occasional issue of Variety that I learned about The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, or AMPAS, as it’s commonly referred to in print.

Welcome, my dear students, to the latest installment of CraveOnline’s Free Film School, taught by me, your film-saturated professor, Witney Seibold. This week, in conjunction with all the Oscar hubbub, I have decided to give you and important history lesson, this time on the founding and the function of The Academy.

Source: http://www.craveonline.com/film/articles/181365-free-film-school-31-id-like-to-thank-the-academy