Thursday, December 15, 2011

Film School Online | "Film promotion works for Avocados from Mexico"

By: Don Schrack
Category: Film School Online

A four-week promotion with the “Puss In Boots” 3-D motion picture was a winner for the Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Michoacán.

The avocado exporter group increased its Facebook following by 90%, according to a news release, and the sweepstakes promotion with DreamWorks LLC generated more than 30,000 entries.

The promotion, which ran from Oct. 24 to Nov. 21, came at the peak of the Mexican avocado season.

“This campaign was an exciting opportunity for us, because it linked our brand with a major animated film, helping to increase awareness, excitement and sales for avocados from Mexico,” Emiliano Escobedo, marketing director, said in the release.

The growers group developed point-of-sale materials that included a life-size stand-up display of the Puss in Boots character in the animated movie.

“It was important to make this promotion successful for retailers as well as for our brand,” Escobedo said.

Avocados from Mexico supported the promotion on its website with Puss In Boots-themed recipes. The campaign also included a mail-in offer for a free “Puss In Boots Look and Find” book.
