Monday, December 19, 2011

Film School Online | "Seacoast high school for the arts explored"

By: Aaron Sanborn
Category: Film School Online

EXETER — A small group of parents and community members are gauging the community's interest in starting a charter high school focused on the arts within the School Administrative Unit 16 district.

The local nonprofit group, Friends of the Seacoast High School, has established an online survey and are asking community members to fill it out. The survey will be available through January.
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Wendie Leweck, chairwoman of Friends of the Seacoast High School, said the group formed about a year ago.

Leweck said she developed the idea after talking to parents and realizing how many of them run their kids back and forth to various art-related activities after school.

"In talking to parents, I could see a real need for something like this on the Seacoast," she said.

From there, she put the group together to further explore options.

"We want to see if such a school is necessary and desired," she said.

The group envisions a high school that offers rigorous core academics with daily intensive study in one of five areas of art — dance, film, music, theater and visual arts.

Leweck, who attended a similar school in another state, said the art classes would be in the afternoon and the school would utilize project-based learning within its academics, in which students explore real world problems, simultaneously developing cross-curriculum skills while working in small collaborative groups, as well as individually.

"The Seacoast area has long been an arts community and a number of kids pursue the arts," she said. "I believe in arts education, and I don't believe there's enough of it within the schools."

Currently, the Seacoast Charter School in Kingston serves many children from the SAU 16 district. That school puts emphasis on the arts and educates more than 150 students in Grades 1 to 8.

To fill out the survey go to All answers are confidential.

"Our goal with this survey is to get the community's input on whether an arts high school has relevance to our community," Leweck said.

For such a school to be formed, a charter must be drafted and presented to the state Department of Education.

Take the survey.
