Monday, December 12, 2011

Film School Online | "Screening set for film 'Dam California'"

By: Rick Bentley
Category: Film School Online

 Isaac Piche, a filmmaker who graduated from Buchanan High School, has scheduled a test screening for his first full feature film "Dam California," which focuses on water as told through a mix of real events and fictional characters.

The screening is at 6 p.m. today at the Center for Advanced Research and Technology, 2555 S. Clovis Ave., Clovis.

The cast includes Jeffrey Weissman, Josh Reyes, Sarah Poynter, Douglas Olsson and Steven Segal.

The public is invited to attend the free screening and will be encouraged to give feedback.

Piche says his film is relevant to the San Joaquin Valley and will confront issues involving farmers, the endangered species act and the corruption that would choose power over the balance of life.

"This is still a work-in-progress" says the filmmaker. " 'Dam California' is a relevant, current-issue-based narrative film. Films like this that are controversial and push the status quo are films that must be seen now, not years later. The message is urgent and the issues are hot. The test screenings let me know if the message is clear."

-- Rick Bentley, The Fresno Bee

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