Friday, December 9, 2011

Film School Online | "School film crew finalists"

Category: Film School Online

 A cast of characters including a mad scientist, a farmer and a robot have won a group of Point England School students recognition for their film making efforts.

Sandy Lagitapu's year 7 and 8 class entered The Outlook for Someday competition. The aim was to create a film about sustainability and entries covered everything from deforestation to eco-conscious shopping.

Out of 153 entries from around the country 20 films were selected for a red-carpet event at the Aotea Centre on December 1.

Point England School's film Enviro-Travel made the top 20 and the students enjoyed their night out on the town. They got to see snippets of the other films and had their photo taken with Outrageous Fortune star Robyn Malcolm.

They were competing against young people in their 20s and are proud to have made it to the final.

The group members agree Nathaniel Tuia's performance as the mad scientist was the highlight of their film and the youngster says he wouldn't mind getting into acting one day.

For the girls in the group, one of the biggest challenges was acting out a scene they describe as being like something out of Charlie's Angels. They had to transform themselves from spectacle-wearing scientists to long-haired beauties to get past the guards at the robot's secret headquarters.

"We didn't want to do it, but the group thought it would be funny. It was pretty embarrassing," Helen Tuipoloa says.

Ms Lagitapu says she's pleased with the group's efforts. It is the first year the school has entered the competition. Each participant received a t-shirt and certificate and the school now has a photo of Nathaniel in his mad scientist garb to go up on the wall.
