Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Film School Online | "Film shows struggle of teachers against repressive policy"

By: The Mainichi Daily News
Category: Film School Online

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A documentary film depicting the struggles of three teachers against the Tokyo metropolitan government's educational policies will be screened in January at a theater in the capital.

The three face disadvantages as a result of trying to live according to their beliefs, rather than following what they consider unfair practices. One of them, for example, is suspended from work after she refused to stand up and sing the "Kimigayo" national anthem at school ceremonies.

"I expect people to see through this film what the three want to protect, even though they have something to lose," said Toshikuni Doi, who directed the film, "Watashi wo Ikiru," or "True to Myself."

Among the three is Kimiko Nezu, a junior high school teacher who has retired since the film, and is shown commuting to her school to sit beside the school gate following the six-month suspension of employment over her refusal for the singing of "Kimigayo."

The sit-in with a banner that reads the punishment on her goes against the Constitution is her message to students that they should not mindlessly obey authority.

The punishment is based on a Tokyo education board's notice on Oct. 23, 2003, directing school principals to order teachers to stand and sing "Kimigayo," or his majesty's reign, in front of the Hinomaru flag at school ceremonies or else be reprimanded.

A significant number of teachers have refused to follow the directive and have been punished, as they believe it violates the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of thought and conscience while considering the anthem and the flag a symbol of Japan's military past.

Echoing the criticism, Nezu, a home economics teacher who has also focused during her classes on issues such as wartime sex slavery involving so-called "comfort women," and the treatment of homosexuals, said in the film, "I think it is a problem that this society has accepted top-down practices, as symbolized by (the Tokyo education policy over) Hinomaru and 'Kimigayo."'

Miwako Sato was punished for wearing a blue ribbon to express her opposition to the compulsory display of the Hinomaru flag at a graduation ceremony.

As a Christian, she keeps the past suppression of Christians in Japan in mind, and also refused, as a music teacher, to accompany on the piano singing of "Kimigayo" at ceremonies.

She sought compensation from the local authorities, arguing she had suffered psychologically from the punishment and they had violated her freedom of conscience.

Rejecting her plea, however, a court ruling said, "Even if a person has negative feelings toward the national flag, it is possible for him or her to attend a school ceremony as a courtesy without expressing such thoughts, and many people follow official orders in such a manner."

Looking back on her legal battle, Sato said, "It is impossible to create a tolerant society as long as courts remain reluctant to rebuke the compulsion."

Nobuo Dohi, the third teacher in the film, served as principal of Tokyo Metropolitan Mitaka High School, but opposed the local government's policy banning votes by a show of hands in faculty meetings at public schools, arguing it would lead to the curtailment of free and democratic discussion among teachers.

The controversial policy is seen as giving more power to principals.

Dohi had a strong relationship with students, greeting each of them by name at the school entrance every morning and participating in their club activities, but he was not accepted as a part-time teacher for post-retirement employment, even though most applicants are rehired.

"This means those who are against the Tokyo education board's policy are placed in an unduly low position," Dohi said. "Under such circumstances, freedom of expression cannot be guaranteed."

Filing a damages suit against the local government, Dohi, who had left a major trading firm as he could not accept contract rigging practice before becoming a teacher, said, "Enthusiasm among teachers for serious debate over school policies would be lost" under such a policy.

The Tokyo District Court will hand down the ruling on Jan. 30.

The film director, Doi, is a veteran freelance journalist who has intensively covered Palestinian issues.

"I have tried to report how the Palestinian people live under extremely difficult situations, while, at the same time, reflecting on my own way of living," he said. "I want to show in this film how the three teachers struggle to live by their own values...I think maybe I can't live like they do."

After completion in 2010, the film has been shown mostly through independent distribution channels. Doi decided to present it at a Tokyo theater, Auditorium Shibuya, to allow a broader range of people to watch it.

He also plans to create an English version soon to exhibit at international film festivals.

(Mainichi Japan) December 19, 2011

Source: http://mdn.mainichi.jp/arts/news/20111219p2g00m0et088000c.html